Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello world.

(The title is a shout-out to my software peeps.)

It’s nearly Christmas, and I’ve received an early and amazing gift—bound to be one of the best this year: my name in (Web) lights! Yes, not only do I have a snappy new Web site and blog, but I also just discovered I was listed on IndieBound, Amazon, and Borders. (Seriously … imagine you can go to, type in your own name, and get a result! Crazy!)

Mind you, I’m still eight months from publication, so we’ll take this slowly. Don’t look for too much activity here until we’re out of the winter doldrums (the holiday chaos, the January frenzy at my day job, and the February slump).

But starting in March, a few fun things happen:
1) the racing season begins!
2) I’ll have finished and be polishing Kate’s second adventure
3) I’ll be making tour plans for July 2011 into 2012

I’ll have so much more to talk about. But until then, enjoy the last of 2010!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stay tuned

Happy birthday, new blog.